Friday 24 February 2012

M&Ms Just My Shell

Television commercials nowadays are really getting annoying. I think many brands are finding it difficult to get peoples attention, especially the younger generations. Now, a commercial break often means a chance to check your phone and see if you missed anything on Facebook. However, some brands really understand what is needed in an advertisement to get results.

M&Ms recent super bowl commercial "just my shell" has to be one of the best commercials of the year. The combination of "I'm sexy and I know it" and the whole idea of being naked in the brown shell is an extrodinary idea. I think that all generations can easily relate to this concept, and just like VW, it'll be hard to match it next year. Either way, I don't care if they match it or not. It's just too AWESOME!    

Friday 10 February 2012

Slower Drivers Keep Right

I'm sure there are many blogs dedicated to ranting about slow, incompetent drivers that do things like hover in the passing lane going 10 clicks below the speed limit. Now, I could be one of those bloggers but there are too many things that bother and annoy me, so terrible driving can't be my only topic. So this blog post will be a quick rant about the main thing that bothers me when I'm driving, specifically in my hometown.

I'm a young male from Generation Y and I know everything (this is what the bad drivers and my parents say to me when I complain about them). However, I just finished driving school a couple years ago while many others on the road haven't taken a test in over 20 years as it is not required (just license renewal). Now, there are many people my age (22) that are terrible drivers so I'm not saying that the younger generation are better drivers. Instead, I'm going to say that I believe that I'm a good driver and many others have no idea what they are doing. If only I had the chance to be a race car driver :)

The picture above is exactly what happens. Actions like this can lead to an accident, so think before you act.   
Yes, I'm somewhat agressive when I drive but that wouldn't be the case if people only focused on getting from point a to point b. I don't use my phone. I don't focus on all the 'pretty' things around me. I don't go under the speed limit while in the passing lane. I don't block off intersections so that others can't get in. And I don't speed up and cut people off when they signal to get infront of me. I focus on getting to my destination. Of course the finger is pointed at me; the crazy, aggressive guy swerving in and out of traffic. But I'd rather have the finger pointed at me than hover beside someone that is making me uncomfortable. Getting around those roadblocks safety and making it to my destination is all that's on my mind.

To those that are guilty of these actions... Smarten up or get off the road because the good drivers shouldn't have to be the victims of your stupidity and lack of common sense.       

Friday 3 February 2012

Effective Warning Labels in the U.S.A.

One of the warning labels used on cigarette packages in the U.S.A. 

Images like this should be on cigarette packages in Canada. I have never seen something so disturbing, and I don't think smokers have either. Instead, Canada puts pictures that don't create enough fear. These images should be mandatory on all cigarette packages throughout the world. In my opinion, even this photo isn't enough. The truth is, the government doesn't want people to stop smoking. The amount of money they make from trade, medicine, health care, etc... means more than human life. In reality, smoking is just one thing that helps control the population. I could go on and on about this subject but it won't make a difference. What do you think?

Friday 27 January 2012

Money Costs More Than Life


I came across this photo on Facebook the other day and it really made me think. When I see and hear about things like this all I can do is shake my head, write about it and hope that others agree. Kim Schmitz did steal from Hollywood and the record industry but he also helped them become what they are today. For example, there are many musicians that people are unaware of and by making their music available to the public they've got a better chance of getting noticed. This leads to more people PAYING to see you live. 

Now, I'm not trying to stick up for Kim Schmitz but when I see this photo it's quite disgusting. Why is it that society values money more than life? This guy gets 20 years and is then released to do it again but this time to more people in more disgusting ways. However, a man who simply saw a chance for revolutionary technology to take another step forward in allowing people to share, as they always have, is given 50 years. I understand that outrages occur in everyday society, but this is pushing things a little too far. When have we decided that causing personal punishment to the body of another human being is less offensive than helping to share a digital archive? I, for one, am disgusted with making a statement for a man who caused no harm instead of to one who murdered and raped a woman. What do you think? 

Friday 20 January 2012

The Little Things Are Most Important

Taken from

This is my first blog entry and I hope that it has some value to certain individuals. In my opinion, the little things are most important and many of us do not seem to recognize this. My first example is the empty roll of toilet paper. When I see that there is a need for a new roll of toilet paper, I take it out of the cabinet and put it on the roller. I then insert it into the toilet paper holder. This might take me 10 seconds if I take my time. Now, all of us should be able to do this but I am starting to think that many people do not understand how to put on a new roll, or they just do not care about the next person to use the washroom. When I come into a washroom after someone, and there is an empty roll of toilet paper, I automatically assume that the person previous is a selfish and inconsiderate individual. Maybe it is just me. Maybe I look into even the smallest things in the way people act and judge them accordingly. But maybe the little things do matter. What do you think?