Friday 3 February 2012

Effective Warning Labels in the U.S.A.

One of the warning labels used on cigarette packages in the U.S.A. 

Images like this should be on cigarette packages in Canada. I have never seen something so disturbing, and I don't think smokers have either. Instead, Canada puts pictures that don't create enough fear. These images should be mandatory on all cigarette packages throughout the world. In my opinion, even this photo isn't enough. The truth is, the government doesn't want people to stop smoking. The amount of money they make from trade, medicine, health care, etc... means more than human life. In reality, smoking is just one thing that helps control the population. I could go on and on about this subject but it won't make a difference. What do you think?


  1. I think that "fear marketing" is a sincere form of communication when there is profit involved. You make a good point Mike, about how the government does not want people to truly stop smoking. My assumption is that the cigarette industry is still running on a profitable basis, and it would not surprise me to see it last for decades to come. Profit is at the source of most industries (even non-profits in a sense), therefore there is too much at stake for the government to go any further with drastic advertising that would promote more realistic fear tactics.

  2. Amusingly, I found an empty cigarette package outside my apartment the other day and on the cover was two children laughing. The warning beneath said that cigarettes are dangerous, but what child is going to read that? One would hope, however, that we're being educated into the dangers of smoking. As for the government wanting us to smoke...I know that I have seen a few advertisements (mainly in the U.S.A) of government funded programs to aid in the prevention and the quitting of smoking. As for controlling the population...I know you don't necessarily mean it to be, but that's a relatively heartless comment, with all the people who have experienced losses in their lives with cancer related problems.

  3. It may be a heartless comment but in my opinion it's the truth. If it wasn't, why does the government continue to sell cigarettes when they know it kills people in more ways than one? Especially when they're laced with thousands of unhealthy chemicals. My parents are currently trying to quit smoking. They're using those electronic cigarettes. What's funny is that the nicotine capsule in them is illegal to buy in Canada. Why? If the Canadian government really cared about their citizens then they wouldn't make something that is proven effective for quitting smoking illegal. In my opinion, and this is coming from someone that has had family members die from smoking, there is more money in selling cigarettes, helping people that are addicted and sick, and burying the ones that didn't stop in time. Think about how much money is made within those 3 things. If they made smoking illegal than what would happen?
